Monday, January 12, 2009

Put the 'fun' in foot fungus!


Our New Year is starting off on the right foot .... or for me, feet, literally! Although not planned, I saw a foot professional for my toenails. What I thought was just one of those "age" things turned out to be a fungus! Two toenails were turning yellow and thickening. Another toenail I thought I must've stubbed badly on something but couldn't remember any incidents. It was turning black and I was sure it was going to fall off. Angie, the foot care management person, cut the nails extremely short - almost non-existent and the doctor has given a prescription for cream to be applied faithfully. Now, the culprit could very well have been the fact that my feet, except for the shower or bath are constantly "socked" - my feet are always cold. And, that confined, warm, moist environment is perfect for fungi to thrive. Infection with nail fungus occurs more in toenails than in fingernails for that very reason.

Okay, I know this isn't the most pleasant of subjects but it is an important one. Our feet are important and that includes our toes and nails. I want to point out that this same problem can happen as a result of walking barefoot, in swimming pools, shower floors or through sweaty shoes. Microscopic organisms can invade your skin through tiny invisible cuts or through a small separation between your nail and nail bed. I also want to point out that this nail fungus is not the same as athlete's foot which affects the skin of the feet not the nail.

It looks like a cyclone hit the inside of our house. We are on a clean-up, reorganize, rearrange, toss out or fix-up campaign. Things from the living room and hall are in the kitchen, items from the small bedroom are in the basement and furniture from the living room is in the second bedroom. Yes, we will get there an hopefully soon but in the meantime our house, particularly our living room is in shambles. Then after that, I'll tackle the closets, dressers, etc. I think James was shocked when I started moving a few things around - he says we're spring cleaning - a little early but so be it! Changing furniture and such is not something I do often although there was a time I seemed to do it on a monthly basis. Searching, I guess, although I didn't know for what. Since we moved into this house, I've never been truly happy with our living room arrangement. A friend recently told me the first thing I need to do is forget convention or traditional furniture arrangements. I am looking for that room I can walk into and it will calm my mind, soothe my soul and lift my spirit.

Yes, I know - now we could get into that age old dilemma about the meaning of the soul and the spirit. Are they one and the same? Probably the best definition I've read comes from Steve Marshall who says "soul is part of truth. Spirit is the messenger of truth. Spirit is love. Love connects soul to soul, and truth to truth. Love comes from God, and spirit is God sending love out to all souls. The spirit is in all things, permeating through all things, souls included. This spirit embraces all souls, and dwells in and out of God.

While I seem to be talking off-the-wall type of stuff this time around, I must tell you that my golden retriever, Koda, received his Reiki Practitioner Certificate earlier this week. Attunements are given to animals who have a healing effect on their humans, themselves and each other in recognition that Reiki Healing Energy can be channelled through them in much the same manner as it flows through human Reiki Practitioners. Animals have a healing ability and a desire to help their caregivers even at the expense of their own health. The Attunement allows them to continue the service without the possible draining of their own health and energy resources Many places in our neighbouring country, the United States have programs where the dogs (and cats) are trained and registered as HealthCare givers, then taken to visit patients in hospital to assist in their recuperation and healing. It also helps them in their own healing, the same way as Reiki helps us humans to heal on body, mind and spirit levels. Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal. It addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. And, as most of us know, animals are among the best healers. I'm not sure just where this will lead us or if it'll lead us anywhere but it is rather neat and unique.

Billy Graham once said: "I think God will have prepared everything for our perfect happiness. If it takes my dog being there (in heaven), I believe he'll be there."

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