John Gardner/Courier
The Moores Mills home of 19-year old Sarah Russell and 27-year old Rodney Miller.
ST. STEPHEN – Our reporter is at the St. Stephen provincial court now gathering details. The following is an RCMP news release.
Details to follow.
A couple from Moores Mills, near St. Stephen, has been charged with concealing the body of a newborn baby. The sex of the deceased baby and exact age has not yet been confirmed. An exact date of the birth has not yet been determined.
19-year old Sarah Russell and 27-year old Rodney Miller were arrested by RCMP on January 29, 2009 and appeared in St. Stephen Provincial Court to face the charge today. They were remanded into custody and will appear in court in St. Stephen on February 3, 2009 for 3 p.m. to plea to the charge.
Acting on information received, the RCMP’s Major Crimes Unit South in conjunction with District 1 RCMP began their investigation yesterday. The investigation is being treated as a homicide. Further charges are anticipated as the police continue to gather evidence in the ongoing investigation.
what is becoming of our small quite little town?
this is the second such tragities.I think they should be punshied to the fulliest.We need to send a message that is NOT ok to do such things.Seeking physicatric help is not the answer.Just a means for excape for in Guilty!Where was the help for the innocent child? I am outraged.
Seriously, for this to have happened in our town multiple times it disgusts me. For someone to take an innocent life, there needs to be something done. This is not a situation that should be passed aside with excuses, it is a horrible matter and justice needs to be served even though it cannot bring back the life of the child.
I am horrified that this has happened yet again in this small town. Obviously the lack of punishment for the last "concealment of a newborn baby" has sent the message that it is OK to do this. All you will get is a few months house arrest and you can go on your merry way like nothing ever happened.
No one took a stand in this town for justice....for the BABY....the last time. I would like to see the public outrage this time. If people can rally around the elderly beating victim who was waiting for the deer island ferry, we should be able to give this baby a voice. We should all stand up and voice our outrage and let our local JUDGES know that we will not stand for what has been PASSING as justice around here. We want justice for the baby...the "parents" (and may I add that I had to choke that word down when typing it)should get the MAXIMUM time allowed if found guilty of these charges.
I also hope that we as a community can LEGALLY vocalize our disgust for the actions of these people and let them know they are NOT welcomed back in our town.
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